Start with a clear soil health picture:

A Soil Functionality Analysis.
Plant Available Nutrients
34 lbs/a
27 lbs/a
18 lbs/a

See your current nutrient availability.

How well does your soil function? Are nutrients cycling and will they become available to your crops?

Total Soil Nutrient Levels
3264 lbs/a
1190 lbs/a
2564 lbs/a

Measure your soil’s total nutrient levels.

Your soil may have more than enough nutrients to feed your crop. Rather than just applying more, we work to unlock more of what’s already present.

Bacteria, Fungi & Pathogens
Arbuscular-Ectomycorrhiza Ratio
Fungi-Bacteria Ratio
Pathogens Detected
Grey Leaf Spot
Tar Spot

Identify your current biological activity.

If your soil biology is out of balance, Your nutrients can't cycle efficiently; so you're stuck applying more fertilizer. Plus, we identify pathogens in your soil before they steal your yields.


Increase Nutient Availability

Devour uses both anaerobic and aerobic digestion to break down manure into a healthier, more plant-available fertilizer for your crops.


Reduce Solids & Foaming

Devour breaks down dried distiller's grain making cleanout easier with less solids, crusting and foaming.

Featured Product


Clean up solids, parasites, antibiotics, and insect eggs in your manure pit and turn your brown sludge into a healthier, nutrient-rich fertilizer for your crops. Contact us to learn more.


Control Odor & Flies

You probably still won't want to set a lawn chair next to your pit, but Devour will help cut the smell and fly count.



Simply pour Devour in at the edge of your pit and it will spread across your entire pit.

Simple technology to make farming a little easier.

Know your flow on every row.

Replace your floating ball system with OnSite FMS and be confident you’re applying the right amount of fertilizer on every row.

7" Digital Display

See your exact fertilizer flow on every row.

Easy Install

OnSite FMS bolts in place of your floating ball system.

Learn more about OnSite FMS
OnSite Fertilizer Monitoring System (FMS)

Treat every seed the same.

Changing Times (CT) Talc Applicators accurately and uniformly apply any dry seed treatments including talc and inoculants for commercial or farm use.

Product Sifting

Reduces particle size to ensure even seed treatment.

Convenient Mounting

Mount above augers or conveyors to treat seeds just before planting.

Learn more about CT Talc Applicators
Changing Time Talc Applicators uniformly apply any dry seed treatments including talc and inoculants.

Sample Soil Efficiently

Quickly collect soil samples with the Collect-N-GO soil sampling kit. It works in both compacted clay and loose, sandy soils. Costing a fraction of most traditional soil probes, Collect-N-Go is the right choice.

Quick Collection

Soil samples are fed directly from the soil auger into the Collect-N-Go bucket.

Easy Pouring

The pouring spout makes it easy to transfer your soil into a soil sample bag.

Contact Us to Purchase
Changing Time Talc Applicators uniformly apply any dry seed treatments including talc and inoculants.
Our process

Working with us is simple.

Increasing your yields isn't as simple as applying more fertilizer. But knowing how to increase your yields can be simple. With the right knowledge. And a clear picture of your soil health.

Let's Talk

Get Your Soil Functionality Analysis

To help your soil, you have to know what's in your soil.


Understand Your Fields

Are you missing a certain strain of fungi? Are pathogens present? Get a detailed picture of what's happening beneath the surface.


Receive a Custom Field Prescription

Don't guess. Instead, apply the right products at exactly the right rate for your crops' needs.

We know growing more bushels isn't easy.

In 2016, decreasing commodity prices and rising input costs drove me to look for ways to efficiently increase my yields.

Conventional fertility programs weren’t cutting it. I began searching for a better way to be more profitable. Over the next 3 years, I discovered new ways to increase my yield averages with lower input costs. Since the start of this journey, I have reduced my commercial fertilizer use by over 60% which has lowered my overall input costs. I'm happy to say that I have found a better way to grow!

Now, I look forward to helping you.

Let's Talk

Questions from farmers...

1. Can I reduce the amount of fertilizer I apply?

Yes. However, we recommend a phased approach to lowering your fertilizer inputs. This is because your soil won't become alive and fully-functioning overnight. Initially, our goal is to substitute dollar for dollar a percentage of your fertilizer budget. Over the course of a few years, your total fertilizer costs (including our products) will likely be significantly less.

2. Will I deplete my soil's nutrient levels?

Once you get your free Soil Functionality Analysis, you'll likely see that your soil's nutrient levels are far greater than traditional soil samples have shown. Our system unlocks these nutrients and frees them to cycle into and out of your plants. The majority of your nutrients will cycle back into the soil if your nutrients are cycling effectively. The SFA tests will show an increase of available fertility even after the first year of using our system.

3. What tests are used for the Soil Functionality Analysis?

Our Soil Functionality Analysis uses a combination of test results from BioTech Innovations and Regen Ag Lab. We combine these test results in one report that shows your plant-available nutrient levels, total soil nutrient levels, fungi and bacteria species, and pathogens present. Based on this report, we generate a custom fertility and biology plan for the specific crops you plan to grow on your farm.

4. How are the soil samples collected?

You can either pull your own soil samples (since you know your fields better than anyone) or we will come to your fields and collect cores from each zone. We typically sample fields in 40 acre zones or from high, medium and low yielding areas of the field.

5. How much does the Soil Functionality Analysis cost?

A Soil Functionality Analysis (SFA) is offered to our customers at no additional cost. Not a customer yet? Contact us today to find out how to receive your own SFA Report.

6. Why do I hear about other biological products not delivering consistent results?

Let's be honest. The biological market is like the wild west with companies offering one size fits all products with only a couple microbial strains, and limited tank mix capability.

So we understand if you're a bit skeptical.

A lot of factors play into whether or not a particular biological product will provide results on your farm, which is why we start by discovering exactly which species are present (or missing) from your soil. We also take into consideration the needs of the crop you will be growing. Furthermore, we select only premium products that contain multiple strains of bacteria and/or fungi. Our products are encapsulated to provide the best tank mix-ability and longest shelf life on the market. Finally, we build an easy to use custom program for each farm that gets results.

Want to know how we can help you?
Let's talk.

Thank you!

We're glad you reached out! We look forward to helping you unlock your farm's full potential.
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Dustin Wassenaar - Owner of Wassenaar Ag Supply

Let's talk farming.

(507) 841-2966
Lakefield, MN
Business Hours:
mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Primary Service Area:
Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota
We also work with growers nationwide.